Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Opera, allowing for the execution of arbitrary code.
Package | www-client/opera on all architectures |
Affected versions | < 9.62 |
Unaffected versions | >= 9.62 |
Opera is a fast web browser that is available free of charge.
Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Opera:
These vulnerabilties allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code, to run scripts injected into Opera's History Search with elevated privileges, to inject arbitrary web script or HTML into web pages, to manipulate the address bar, to change Opera's preferences, to determine the validity of local filenames, to read cache files, browsing history, and subscribed feeds or to conduct other attacks.
There is no known workaround at this time.
All Opera users should upgrade to the latest version:
# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-client/opera-9.62"